
San Fernando Valley : REVOLVING DOOR

David Hillo had been out of police custody for two hours, a beneficiary of Sheriff Sherman Block’s new inmate-release policy. And here he was in trouble again.

Now Los Angeles City Atty. James Hahn wants to meet with Block to protest that policy, which calls for citing most misdemeanor suspects and sending them home rather than jailing them before trial.

Hillo was accused of punching a security guard Monday at a Van Nuys grocery store after he was caught allegedly shoplifting eyedrops and cold medicines. Two hours earlier, he had been in court on vandalism charges.


The 20-year-old North Hollywood man drew nationwide attention when he survived a midnight encounter with William Masters, a gun-toting passerby who shot two graffiti vandals under a North Hollywood overpass in January. Hillo’s companion was killed and Hillo was slightly wounded.

Hillo has been in trouble with the law repeatedly since then. “For David Hillo, a day without crime is like a day without sunshine,” Hahn said.
