
Itching for Fun? Try Diaper Dash

They’ll be off and crawling at Hollywood Park on Saturday, and there’s no handicapping this race.

Children 15 months and younger are eligible for the race track’s annual Diaper Derby and the stakes are high: The grand-prize winner receives $250 and a year’s supply of Huggies.

Babies will gallup on all fours down a 12-foot track, with or without the coaxing of a parent at the other end, in heats of eight. Winners of each heat advance to the semi-finals, and the swiftest tykes meet in the finals at 1 p.m. (Post time is at 1 p.m.)

Registration is at 10 a.m. Other cash awards will also be given out.

Activities on this family day include face painting, games, sack races and pony rides to 4 p.m.


Hollywood Park, North Park area, 1050 S. Prairie Ave., Inglewood. Free to parents and contestants; others $6; children 17 and younger, free with an adult. (800) 419-7223.
