
Jury Selection Begins in Fleiss’ Money-Laundering Trial

Jury selection began Tuesday in the federal money-laundering trial of Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss. Fleiss, who was convicted of pandering and sentenced to three years in prison, faces federal charges of laundering and tax evasion related to her alleged high-priced call-girl ring. She could receive more than 50 years in prison if convicted.

Fleiss is charged with conspiring to hide her profits by channeling them into bank accounts of her father, Dr. Paul Fleiss, a Beverly Hills pediatrician. The elder Fleiss also applied for a mortgage on a million-dollar home, allegedly paid for with profits from his daughter’s business, which prosecutors say employed young models as prostitutes for Hollywood executives and stars.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. July 1, 1995 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Saturday July 1, 1995 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Metro Desk 2 inches; 54 words Type of Material: Correction
Paul Fleiss plea--A story in the June 21 editions of The Times incorrectly described a plea bargain agreed to by Paul Fleiss, father of Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss. The story said Fleiss pleaded guilty to money laundering. In fact, he pleaded guilty to income tax evasion, which prosecutors described as conspiring with his daughter to hide her income from the Internal Revenue Service.

As part of a plea bargain, Paul Fleiss recently pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of helping his daughter launder money. He will be sentenced in September.
