
PORT HUENEME : City May Add 5 New Positions to Payroll

Port Hueneme will consider adding two police officers and three clerical workers to its payroll if the City Council approves a nearly 5% increase in the 1995-96 budget.

City officials will hold a budget study session Tuesday morning to discuss the $335,000 increase. They said the money will come from past savings and a utility tax imposed last year.

Port Hueneme Finance Director Jim Hanks said the new hires would restore the police force to its 1992 staffing level and put new people to work in the city’s customer service, building maintenance and public works departments.


“Several years ago, we cut back over $1 million in expenditures, cutting everything back to bare-bones,” Hanks said. “In looking at the positions that we cut and the workloads, [city department heads] felt that these positions were really needed.”

The City Council will vote on the staff addition, part of the city’s $7.39-million operating budget, during a meeting set July 5. The changes also call for contracting for increased animal control service from Ventura County to keep dogs off the beach, Hanks said.

The public is invited to attend Tuesday’s 11 a.m. meeting in the City Hall conference room. The council will hold a public hearing on the budget before the July 5 vote.
