
GOP Should Try to Work With Allen

* Assembly Speaker Doris Allen (R-Cypress) has taken a giant leap for womanhood and fairness in one bold step, and not even her fellow assemblywomen have enough grace to congratulate her. For shame!

Her Republican brethren in the Assembly have knocked her down repeatedly, and she fought back. Now when she wins this great victory, they are all scuttling about like termites trying to erode the office with threats of a recall.

I am a devout Democrat, but rest assured, if and when there is a recall election, I will be there to vote yeah to keep Doris as a speaker.


It would behoove our esteemed congressman from Huntington Beach to pay more attention to national politics, and leave us in the able hands of another master of doublespeak, Pete Wilson.


Huntington Beach

* State Sen. Rob Hurtt’s (R-Garden Grove) analogy of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas to describe Doris Allen’s ascendancy to the speakership is typical of the rhetorical overkill which passes for political discussion. The GOP is hardly the Messiah.

This kind of speech further divides and inflames. If Assembly Republicans really care about “the people,” they’ll find some accommodation with Ms. Allen until they get the Speaker they want.



Costa Mesa
