
LAKE FOREST : Official Details Search for Next City Manager

The search for a new city manager is reaching far beyond the Orange County line, according to interim City Manager Murray Warden, who updated the City Council on the hiring process last week.

Warden said he is putting the finishing touches on an advertisement that will run in a national magazine for municipal officials. “You’ll probably get 125 to 150 applications,” Warden said. “Out of that, we’ll cut maybe 75 right away because they won’t fit the criteria” established by the council.

The city’s former city manager, Gaylord Knapp, resigned April 19.

Council members have said their new top official should have experience running a recently incorporated city of Lake Forest’s size--a population of about 68,000.


Warden, who has made a career out of temporarily running cities while they look for new chief executives, received the council’s permission to weed out the first batch of applicants.

A maximum of 20 applicants will be asked for more detailed resumes. From that group, about 10 will be called for interviews with the City Council.
