
Dole’s Comments Show Hypocrisy

Re “Hollywood Leaders Lash Back at Dole’s ‘Bashing,’ ” by Rick Du Brow (Calendar, June 2): In one foul swoop, presidential wanna-be Bob Dole (R-Kan.) has effectively alienated one of the most powerful and successful industries in our nation while concomitantly demonstrating to the American public the true extent of his own personal and political hypocrisy.

To indict Hollywood filmmakers as the purveyors of violence and moral decay on the one hand, while advocating the repeal of the ban on assault guns on the other, is the height of unmitigated arrogance, sanctimony and political opportunism.


Manhattan Beach

It was with a moderate level of disinterest that I witnessed the recent media blitz of Sen. Dole mouthing the standard yak-yak about evils in Hollywood. What caught my attention was a buried line about how he had not seen the movies he was criticizing.


This letter is not about what a shabby intellect that fact exposes but about what sheep the media must be to leave such idiocy unchallenged. As we near the millennium, I hear the song of art and politics. Yak-Yak. Baa-Baa. Yak-Yak. Baa-Baa.


Los Angeles
