
$2 Fee Hike Approved for L.A. County Golf Courses


Fees at Los Angeles County-owned golf courses will increase by $2 beginning July 1, but the Board of Supervisors also ordered the parks department to try to set aside some playing time for golfers who can’t afford the regular fees.

The decision, which was adopted by a 3-to-1 vote Thursday, will raise greens fees at the county’s 19 courses on weekdays from $17 to $19, and on weekends from $21 to $23.

Senior citizens with discount cards will pay about half that much.

Meanwhile, the county Department of Parks and Recreation will report back to the board in two weeks on the issue of discounted playing hours.


County courses now offer discounts on greens fees during mid- and late afternoons.

“I think we need to go ahead with the increase, but I think we should look into having a reduced rate when we aren’t full anyway,” said Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke.
