
Harm From MCA Plan Outweighs Job Growth

* The question posed by your headline “Fallout From MCA Expansion Plan--Benefit or Blight?” (Valley Commentary, April 30) is answered simply--both benefit and blight are received, but in differing degrees.

The banner of “new jobs” is becoming a catchword to stir our patriotism and brand those in opposition as anti-family or left-wing extremists . . . you know, the feared “radical environmentalists.” If you are against jobs, you must want to outlaw apple pie and moms. Fact is though, the harm done by further expansion will far outweigh the benefit of the jobs MCA alleges it will create.

There is already a project under construction that will revitalize the San Fernando Valley. It is called the Red Line. When it is complete in six years, the Valley will be connected to the Los Angeles basin as never before.


The re-emergence of rail in the Valley will generate far greater economic growth than any amusement park. MCA currently operates such a facility, referred to as a “theme park,” and its intrusion into the surrounding neighborhood has been detrimental to property values and the environment. Further expansion is not necessary because MCA underutilizes its current facilities. They have reached capacity on their amusement park, however, and this is why they wish to expand. The traffic and crime generated by the current activities of MCA precludes the argument for further expansion.


Los Angeles
