
Lawrence Rockwood

* The Army was right in dismissing Capt. Lawrence Rockwood for his entering a Haitian prison in violation of orders (May 15). I say this even though I also was forced out of a 13 year career as a Marine officer for refusing to obey an order which required me to order a black sergeant to move out of segregated housing in Jacksonville, N.C., where he had been mistakenly assigned. I also spent time in Haiti as an officer and witnessed the deplorable injustice inflicted by the dictatorships on the Haitian people and the incredible cruelty inflicted on Haitian prisoners, so I fully supported U.S. participation in the U.N. intervention in Haiti, and I certainly sympathize with Capt. Rockwood’s views.

Nevertheless, I do not condone his actions. He was not under any order to do something unconscionable or unconstitutional. He deliberately used and abused his military office and authority in an effort to enforce his own personal views. He not only violated the good order and discipline necessary to any military operation, he also jeopardized the U.N. mission. By demanding a court-martial instead of accepting non-judicial punishment, he got just what he deserved.


Pacific Palisades
