
TUSTIN : County Agency to Oversee Smoking Law

Complaints about local violations of a new anti-smoking law will be handled by the county Health Care Agency under an agreement approved Monday by the City Council.

The agreement was crafted in response to Assembly Bill 13, known as California’s Law for a Smoke-Free Workplace.

The legislation, which took effect Jan. 1, prohibits smoking in most enclosed places of employment.


Under the agreement authorized by the council, the county Tobacco Use Prevention Program will contact Tustin businesses accused of violating the law.

Tustin officials said that using the county as a resource will be less costly than having city staff members handle smoking complaints.

If a business continued to violate the law, the matter would be turned over to the Tustin Code Enforcement Department or the Tustin Police Department for further action.


The agreement with the county was approved 3 to 1 by council members.

Casting the only “no” vote was Councilman Michael J. Doyle, who said he wants the city to handle smoking complaints directly, rather than getting the county involved.
