
LA CONCHITA : Geologists Seek Solution to Slide

State and federal geological experts met Monday to seek a long-term solution to hillside problems at La Conchita, where a slide buried nine homes in March.

The dozen geologists convened at the request of county officials, who have been stymied as to what to do about the community in the aftermath of the March 4 slide.

“Because we are dealing with so many unknowns on this thing, it’s important that we gather all the data we can so that intelligent decisions can be made,” said Wendy Haddock, assistant director of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department Office of Emergency Services.


Haddock said the group will determine what studies still need to be done and then turn that list over to officials.

Since the March slide, county geological consultants have conducted a limited number of studies on the mountain of dirt and debris that wreaked havoc on the seaside community.

But officials, who do not have a complete scientific picture of the disaster, decided to ask state and federal scientists to help determine what information still must be ascertained, Haddock said.
