
NEWPORT BEACH / COSTA MESA : Revised Dress Code Proposal Targets Gang Attire

A proposed dress code aimed in part at gang attire will be considered tonight by the board of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.

Board members who first saw the policy April 25 felt it did not take a strong enough stance against gang-related attire, hats, baggy clothing and hairstyles. That proposal has been revised.

For instance, it would require that underwear “be completely covered by outer clothing,” an oblique reference to a fashion trend built on parolees’ tendency to wear baggy pants without belts as a badge of a stay in prison, where belts are confiscated.


The policy also would forbid pants or overalls more than two sizes larger than the student’s waist size.

Other provisions of the policy would forbid shorts that extend less than three inches, bare feet, hats in class unless medically required, halter tops and cutoffs.

The policy, to be applied districtwide, would ban clothing that encourages illegal activity, gang membership, racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination.


Each school, including parents, teachers, administrators and neighbors, has the option of switching to uniforms, tightening dress codes or putting specific items off-limits.

The board will consider the policy at a special meeting at 7 p.m. at Harper Community Boardroom, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa.
