
YOU WONDER WHY? Fountain Valley has made...

YOU WONDER WHY? Fountain Valley has made official what some may have assumed: No more investments with Orange County. . . . The city had about $31 million in the county’s collapsed investment pool. Says City Manager Ray Kromer, explaining the new policy: “We have basically lost confidence in the county.” . . . The new policy also states goals for 1995: “Wise and prudent management of public funds. . . . Adopt criteria which minimizes risk.”

A LOOK HOMEWARD: Golden West College President Philip Westin will be the orchestra conductor when its Chorale and Chambers Singers perform Brahms’ “German Requiem” tonight at Fountain Valley’s First Southern Baptist Church. Westin intends the performance, with the music’s shift from darkness to light, as a tribute to families of Oklahoma City. . . . Says Westin: “Oklahoma was my home for eight years and my parents still live there. ‘German Requiem’ is a statement of faith. That is what we need during a time like this.”

SOUND ADVICE: Jody Kennedy has made neighborhood complaints about loud music one of her first priorities as new general manager of the county fairgrounds’ 18,500-seat Pacific Amphitheatre. She’s been busy testing sound systems. From now on, Kennedy says, performers there must use the Pacific Amphitheatre’s speakers and amplifiers. No more bringing their own. . . . Says Kennedy: “We will have a sound system that is good for the audience and the neighborhood.”

PAR ONE: You’ve seen those golf pros on TV, where one missed putt can be worth thousands of dollars. The same goes for William James, 66, of Costa Mesa. Except that James has never played golf in his life. Through a Vons grocery contest, James will have one shot at a 10-foot putt at the Industry Hills Sheraton Resort. If he makes it, he wins $25,000. . . . Can a non-golfer do it? James borrowed a putter and has been practicing two hours a day.
