
Nixon’s Advice

* Responding to “Letters From Nixon Shape Dole’s Campaign Strategy,” May 7:

The paradox of Richard Nixon lives on. Prior to his death, Nixon predicted that if Pete Wilson was reelected as governor of California in 1994, Wilson would win the 1996 Republican presidential nomination. Wilson went on to win that election, and is now a certain candidate for President.

Yet before his death, in letters to Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.), Nixon told Dole, “After 1994, you will have no one who can defeat you, if you run, or can win without you, if you decide not to run.” He went on to say, “You will either be the nominee, if your health permits, or you will name the nominee.”

The political history of Richard Nixon is one shrouded in inconsistency. It would be interesting to see whom Nixon would support for President today if he were alive.



Van Nuys
