
Intolerance Is Victory for Terrorists

It was with great sadness that I read of the threats being made to people of Mideastern background or of Islamic faith here in Orange County following the tragic bombing in Oklahoma City (“O.C. Muslim Community Is Target of Threats, Abuse,” April 21).

Why are we so eager to hurt innocent people, based on stereotypes or unfounded rumors? In a thoughtful column printed April 21, Tom Clancy wrote, “Terrorists win only if their cowardly acts successfully modify how we think about important things.” In our country, we respect the right of the individual to practice religion, live in peace and not be accused of something because he or she happens to belong to a certain faith, race or country.

I urge citizens of our county to think through their actions, to show wisdom and tolerance, and to not be so quick to judge or make accusations, even to be mature enough to apologize to those to whom they have shown hateful feelings.


As a member of the Orange County Interfaith Peace Ministry, I also pray that each of us value the diversity which is part of our heritage, that we make it our duty to defuse prejudice, hate and intolerance wherever we encounter it.


