
CALABASAS : Students Collecting for Time Capsule

Lindero Canyon Middle School students consider themselves to be pretty hip, but they also know that what’s hip today may be square tomorrow. They are intrigued by their school’s plans to bury a time capsule that will be opened in 25 years by students of the future.

“It will be interesting, in 25 years, to dig it back up,” said eighth-grader Katie Mackenzie. “They will look at our old-fashioned clothes and say, ‘What were these people thinking of?’ ”

The capsule will be buried at the end of the school year as part of the school’s 25th anniversary celebration. Katie and other students at the Calabasas school have drawn up a list of items that typify the ‘90s.


They will go door to door at an area mall Thursday to ask merchants to donate those items.

“We will ask for things like shoes, Pumas, sky-highs, (knee socks), and movies, like ‘The Lion King’ and ‘Forrest Gump,’ ” said Megan Bowers, another student.

The students, she said, will also be seeking a record called “Dookie” by Green Day, a musical group that mixes alternative, grunge and punk.

The students say they believe it’s likely that the children of the future may not be able to relate to today’s customs.


“They will probably think that we are kind of wacky, because of all the wacky trends,” said student Tara Mackenzie. “I mean, we have sky-highs, hair parted down the middle, baggy pants.”

The students also will be seeking donations of computer games, discs and CD-ROMs. Also to be buried, they said, are a T-shirt with the name of every staff member and student in school this year, and home improvement items, such as tools.

The students said they will also bury a copy of Wednesday’s edition of The Times, for its coverage of the Oscars.


“What we really wanted to do was to find a way to connect the anniversary celebration for our students,” said Principal Ronald Kaiser. “We thought this activity was an excellent way to involve some of our students.”
