
Newport Beach : Wounded Officer Still in Critical Condition

Police Officer Robert J. Henry, shot in the head on March 12, remained in critical but stable condition Monday, following surgery last week to insert breathing and feeding tubes, according to a spokeswoman for Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian.

The officer, 30, was found badly wounded in a church parking lot, lying beneath the body of Carlos Caicedo, 24, of Garden Grove, who had been shot dead.

“It’s hard to predict the outcome of such head injuries,” said Henry’s neurosurgeon, who has declined to be identified. “But it appears Officer Henry is facing a very long and slow recovery process. The doctors, nurses, patient and family are all giving it their best one day at a time.”


The Newport Beach Police Employees Assn. continues to raise money for the officer’s family. Contributions may be sent to the attention of Sgt. Andy Gonis, NPBEA/Robert Henry Fund, 870 Santa Barbara Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
