
LAGUNA BEACH : Planners Back Proposal for Farmers Market

The Planning Commission has endorsed a proposal to open a farmers market here on Saturdays, which one proponent said will be “the most successful resident-serving business” this city has seen in years.

Commissioners voted 5 to 0 last week to allow the Orange County Farm Bureau to sell fresh produce at the school district parking lot at 550 Blumont St.

The opening is tentatively scheduled for May 13.

While still subject to appeal, the vote is a victory for proponents of the open air market, some of whom have worked for years to find the right location for the venture.


“It’s long overdue in Laguna,” said Bivens Hunt, chairwoman of Friends of the Farmers Market Committee. “We’re very, very excited.”

“There will be both organic and (non-organically grown) fruits, vegetables, breads, jams, homemade pastas (and) flowers,” she said. “And all at growers’ prices.”

The marketplace should have between 20 and 40 vendors when it opens, she said. According to a staff report, profits generated by the market will be used to support local farmers.


Opponents have until April 11 to appeal the commission’s ruling to the City Council.

While supporters filled the hearing room last week, only two people voiced concerns about the market, saying it will increase noise and traffic in the area.

The temporary use permit approved by the commission allows the market to operate on Saturdays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. until Nov. 18.

Hunt said Monday that she already has plans to someday move the market to the central business district.


“That’s my goal,” she said, “to move it downtown.”
