
R S V P / ORANGE COUNTY : ‘Odyssey’ Draws On Classical Elements : Artistic and mythological notes make the Greek-themed CHOC fund-raiser simply divine for mere mortals.

Zeus himself would have smiled on “Grecian Odyssey,” the Children’s Hospital of Orange County’s 33rd Annual All Guilds Fashion Show, which featured a feast worthy of the gods and mortals clad in the latest styles by Travilla.

A miniature Parthenon, statues of Greek gods and assorted Grecian urns and columns helped transform the Anaheim Marriott into the land of ancient Greece for the two-day benefit.

About 300 guests paid $125 each to attend the grand finale dinner-dance Friday, while about 2,000 attended the $55-per-person luncheon performances Thursday and Friday. The gods must have been pleased--together the shows were expected to net more than $160,000 for CHOC’s outpatient clinic.


Grecian Formula

“ ‘Grecian Odyssey’ is an idea I’ve had cooking seven years,” said Carol Ojers, general chairwoman of the show. “I’ve visited the Greek islands three times, and I think they’re beautiful.”

Ojers chose gold, blue and white as her colors. Massive white urns filled with flowers lined the way to the ballroom. Inside stood faux marble pillars and statues of the gods adorned with streamers of gold and blue lame.

Guests first bid on items in a silent auction; two quilts from Nordstrom made of Robert Talbot ties were the hot items at Friday’s grand finale. Later, they sat at tables draped in gold and adorned with bouquets of white flowers perched atop Grecian columns. For the luncheons, centerpieces were birdhouses that looked like tiny Parthenons.


Dinner included Greek salad, medallions of veal with Madeira sauce and petite filet with mushroom sauce, and for dessert a white chocolate miniature Parthenon on a chocolate torte. Past grand finales have featured chocolate pianos and a white chocolate shells filled with mousse.

“It becomes a challenge to come up with a dessert more spectacular than the year before,” said Susan Carter, committee member.

During dinner, Rodeo Drive entertained the crowd with music from “The Phantom of the Opera” and other show tunes.


Carrying the Torch

Directed by Carlton Burnett, the fashion show began with an Apollo-like model, dressed in a gold toga, jogging down the runway holding an Olympic torch.

“The torch was used in the 1960 Olympic games in Squaw Valley,” Ojers said.

The show featured elements of modern and ancient Greece, with dancers in florescent wigs and funky costumes.

Models who looked like modern-day gods and goddesses showed off the spring collection from Travilla, including sherbet-colored dresses and suits designed by Lourdis Chavez.

“Everything was very feminine. The gowns just floated in the air,” said Fran Paulson, chairwoman of the grand finale.

CHOC has 15 guilds that have raised $2.5 million for the hospital from their fashion shows. Proceeds benefit the outpatient clinic, which treats all children regardless of their family’s financial circumstances.

Faces in the crowd included Kenneth Heuler, chairman of the CHOC board of directors, and his wife, Edith; Marvin Weiss, chairman of the hospital foundation, and his wife, Pat; emcee David Paulson; Lloyd and Helen Wardner; Don and Marilyn Bailey; Charles and Nora Hester; Fred and Jean Hamann; Beverly and Mel Singer; Lula Hatfield; Ollie and Jill Cagle; Dave and Anne Neish; Dana Davis; James and Sharron Ribacchi; Liz Clem; Sylvia Burnett; Andrea Northcote; Christina Hughes; Pat Calderone; Susan Krause; Frances Stawicki; Janet Nagurski, and Maureen Williams.
