
So, Lighten Up Already

Eighty percent of people claim they have a good sense of humor, but 96% of them can’t tell a joke, experts say. There are many other ways to lighten up:

Practice having fun; it then becomes easier to access at any time.

Make this your motto: “Things matter, but don’t be so serious.”

Simplify your life.

Remember that death is part of life.

Share your troubles with others; it may open up a way to laugh about it.

Learn to play a musical instrument.

Tell funny stories.

Keep a scrapbook at home of funny things your children say; get out the book and laugh at the memories.

Wear a rubber clown nose while scolding your children.

Take mini-breaks throughout the day, about one every 90 minutes, and look for something to laugh about.


At work, bring kazoos to meetings and allow everyone to hum their appreciation of a good idea.

Have one dress-down day a week.

Hold a “thanks in advance” party for each new employee on the first day of work.
