
BUENA PARK : Council Agrees to Ask U.S. to Save Shipyard

City Council members agreed to send a resolution to Congress and the President asking them to save the Long Beach Naval Shipyard and other Southern California military facilities.

The letter, which was drafted by the Southern California Assn. of Governments, points out that the state has endured billions of dollars in losses through Defense Department cutbacks. The association has asked the six counties and 184 cities of the region to petition national leaders to consider that the Southland has “disproportionately suffered through the actions of the federal base closures.”

The Long Beach shipyard recently was slated to be closed, which SCAG estimates will cost surrounding communities $757 million annually in lost business.


The City Council voted unanimously to send the resolution earlier this week.

Councilwoman Patsy Marshall also urged residents to send their own letters of protest. “I think it’s very important, and our residents should know they can also write and let them know what a devastating impact this is going to have,” she said. “It’s not just Long Beach that is affected, but this will cost 13,000 jobs in the region.”
