
CULTURE SHOCK: It happened in 1993 at...

CULTURE SHOCK: It happened in 1993 at Verdugo Hills High School. A teacher showed portions of a grisly video called “Faces of Death” to students in his cultural awareness class. It was too horrible for two students, who said they suffered nightmares. A lawsuit ensued. . . . But the suit was dismissed Friday by a judge (B5). He agreed with school officials, who say students should not be able to sue based on what they are taught in class.

NAME DROPPER: Dodgers announcer Ross Porter is rarely at a loss for words. But if the baseball strike isn’t settled before spring training, the Calabasas resident will have to memorize the names of 40 Dodger replacements. And players on opposing teams. . . . “It’s an entirely different ballgame,” Porter said. “You’re going to have a bunch of guys who you have never heard of.”

FREQUENT FLIER: As a basketball player at Chatsworth High, Ellen Breen was told she could hang like Michael Jordan. Yet at only 5 feet, 3 inches tall, her chances of a college scholarship were slim. . . . But Breen’s talent at hang time has found its place in another sport. Breen, above, is currently defending her World Cup championship in ballet skiing (C1).


OH, BABY! The quintuplets weren’t a complete surprise, said mother Marcella Quezada, but the West Hills babies’ dad, Ramon, is still reeling as he thinks about the bills (B1). . . . A stroller for five costs $700, he said. The good news: next year’s $12,500 tax break.

JUICY SALES: O.J. Simpson’s football cards, which skyrocketed in price after his arrest, could set their own records if O.J.’s trial ends in a murder conviction. “As the most famous conviction in American history, people will want a piece of it,” says Granada Hills baseball shop co-owner Steve Aronson. But don’t expect any change in O.J.’s $175 rookie card if The Juice is found innocent. . . . Says Aronson: “He’ll be doing card shows galore to pay for his court costs.”
