

Mayor: Julie Sa

Age: 44

Occupation: Business owner

First elected: November, 1992

Term expires: November, 1996

Key issues: Wants to attract more businesses to the city. Also wants to increase public safety and improve the quality of life for senior citizens by providing affordable housing and more services for the elderly.


Councilman: Chris Norby

Age: 45

Occupation: High school teacher

First elected: November, 1984

Term expires: November, 1996

Key issues: Wants full repayment of the city’s investment in the failed Orange County investment pool. Would sell surplus city property and privatize more city services. Favors having neighboring cities cooperate to provide services such as fire, animal control and park management that are currently provided by the county.


Councilwoman: Jan M. Flory

Age: 50

Occupation: Attorney

First elected: October, 1994

Term expires: November, 1998

Key issues: Wants to strengthen and stabilize city’s fiscal affairs by continuing budget trims. She would also like to revitalize the downtown area to make it an Orange County destination point. Monitoring the county financial crisis is a must for Flory, who wants the city to get back all of its investment in the failed pool.



Councilman: Peter Godfrey

Age: 50

Occupation: Attorney

First elected: October, 1994

Term expires: November, 1996

Key issues: Wants to attract high-tech industry to the city to generate high-paying jobs and increase real estate sales. He said he would like the Hughes Aircraft site to house such business. Would also reduce taxes and turn the city’s transportation center into “the (transit) hub of Orange County.”


Councilman: Don Bankhead

Age: 62

Occupation: Retired police captain

First elected: November, 1988

Term expires: November, 1998

Key issues: Supports strong public safety program. Wants to implement programs to retain and improve local businesses and attract new ones. Proposes increasing city fiscal stability by looking for ways “to get the job done with less cost.” Also wants to maintain the city’s infrastructure.

Other Key Officials

City Manager: James L. Armstrong

Age: 42

Time in office: 3 years


City Attorney: Currently vacant


Police Chief: Patrick McKinley

Age: 53

Time in office: 2 years


Fire Chief: Marc Martin

Age: 42

Time in office: 3 years


City Clerk: Audrey Culver

Age: 55

Time in office: Appointed in 1994

How to Reach Them

Council meets: First and third Tuesdays of the month at 4 and 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave.


Hours: City Hall is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Telephone: (714) 738-6300

Fax: (714) 738-6758

Fast Facts

Unofficial motto: “A fine city to live, work and play”

Flower: Carnation

Tree: Jacaranda

Incorporated: 1904

Population: 121,456

Operating budget: $79.3 million

Number of employees: 672

Highest paid employee: City manager at $132,547 per year

Council perks: Members each receive $650 per month. Also are eligible to receive up to $105 per month--$30 per meeting--for acting as the city’s Redevelopment Department directors. Each member is also entitled to health insurance benefits and designated parking space at City Hall.

