
SIMI VALLEY : Officials to Debate Police Station Site

The Simi Valley City Council will debate the best location of the city’s new $10-million police station at a meeting Monday night.

The easy access and visibility of a city-owned plot at the intersection of Tapo Canyon Road and Alamo Street have attracted the support of at least three council members. Sandi Webb, Paul Miller and Barbara Williamson said they all support building the new 47,400-square-foot station on the southeast side of the city’s Civic Center.

Mayor Greg Stratton wants the new station in the same general area, but said he prefers a site between the East County Courthouse and the Simi Valley Senior Center. He said it would be less expensive. Residents on Avenida Simi, however, think that location would increase traffic on their street.


“I really prefer the corner of Tapo Canyon and Alamo,” said Williamson. “It’s more visible. There’s better access, and it won’t bother the neighbors.”

The council meets at 6:30 p.m. Monday at City Hall.
