
Keep Federal Restraints Off New Television Sets

Re “TV Violence Bill” (Morning Report, Feb 3): I am not so naive as to take sides with the ban the “gratuitousviolence” crowd nor the “free-speech rights” groups. From silent film days, there have been those angry over content and those who would curb content.

However, I do resent the introduction of a Senate bill on a much more practical level, as The Times reports that it calls “for all new TV sets to be equipped with devices allowing parents to block out objectionable programs.”

I do not wish to buy my next TV set and have a resulting higher price, with all the compliance charges, the research and development costs, cost to make the device, higher profits to manufacturer and dealer, higher commission for a salesman and a higher sales tax base to the state.


If some people wish for devices, fine. But as an attachment only that these people must pay for.

