
POST-QUAKE WATCH : Let’s Fight for It

The Clinton Administration and the Congress were quick to respond to the needs of Southern California following the January, 1994, Northridge earthquake. They approved the largest single aid package ever ($11.1 billion) for what turned out to be the nation’s costliest natural disaster.

For some months now, however, it has been apparent that the cost of legitimate repairs and reconstruction has soared. Estimates for the increase range from $3 billion to $6 billion.

Additional concern was generated by what appeared to be a growing dispute between Clinton Administration officials and California state and local officials over what should or should not be regarded as reasonable projects.


Well, we have to applaud President Clinton’s attention to this matter in the budget that he submitted Monday, although his request is but a first step in what figures to be a bitter federal budget process. The part of the proposed budget that some Southern Californians are most interested in involves a request for more than $4.8 billion in new money for Northridge earthquake recovery. That’s the lion’s share (72.6%) of the President’s $6.7-billion proposal for the Federal Emergency Management Agency budget.

Now it’s time for the California congressional delegation to speak up loudly and repeatedly in support of this request, as some have already begun to do. State and local officials must join the chorus. The time may come when state governments can insure themselves against the costs of natural disasters. It has not come yet, and this money is badly needed.
