
Curbing Support for Terrorism

Re “Islamic Leaders Urge Respect for Diversity,” Jan. 22: Thank you for fairly covering the conference at the Islamic Center of Southern California regarding the renewal of negative stereotyping of Muslims in the United States. On the heels of several Jewish groups asking President Clinton and Congress to pass legislation to combat “radical Islamic terrorism,” innocent Muslims in America got trampled in the way. At stake are the civil rights of law-abiding Muslims who may unfairly get targeted in sweeping government investigations.

The Islamic stand against terrorism was clearly presented at the conference. But one questions the political motivations of those who, instead of calling on other religious groups to denounce all immoral and illegal acts of terrorism regardless of political or religious affiliations, decide to highlight a particular fringe element.

AIDA MORAD, Board Member

Muslim Women’s League, Los Angeles

* The reactions of local Islamic groups to the American Jewish Committee’s call for enhanced efforts to combat terrorism are hyperbolic and misleading. To suggest, that “respect for American pluralism was at stake” is an attempt to shift the reference points of this debate.


Vicious acts of terrorism have occurred in recent years from the World Trade Center to Buenos Aires, from England to Panama, from Egypt to Algeria, from one end of Israel to the other. The threat is real, the targets are Western countries, moderate Arab states and Israel. Various groups--Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Salvation Front--have been associated with this terrorist scourge. The 50-country Islamic Conference Organization has condemned these terrorists, who claim divine guidance, as “a clear deviation from the teachings of the righteous Islamic religion and blatant violation of our norms, values and heritage.”

Western and Arab experts with whom we have spoken are persuaded that these groups often have worldwide support networks, providing financial assistance, materiel and sanctuary. To the extent that U.S. territory itself is being used for these nefarious purposes, the AJC joins with the Administration and Congress in seeking to ensure that additional steps are taken to plug the holes and make it more difficult for terrorist groups to so in the future.

At the same time, the AJC throughout its nearly 90-year history has always stood as a staunch supporter of democratic values, constitutional safeguards, pluralism and intergroup understanding. We are proud of our pioneering initiatives to foster Muslim-Jewish dialogue in this country and to stand foursquare against any group stereotyping.



President, Los Angeles Chapter


Western Regional Director

AJC, Los Angeles
