
LAGUNA NIGUEL : Council Appoints New Commissioners

The City Council has replaced Planning Commissioners Robert Healey and Eli Naffah with two new commissioners, Brian Fisk and Carlton Biggs.

The Traffic Commission will also have a new member. Lynn Kentfield, 44, will replace Barney Sugarman, who did not seek reappointment.

Fisk, 34, and Biggs, 44, will each serve a two-year term on the Planning Commission, which acts as an advisory body to the City Council on property development and zoning issues.


Healey, who had been on the commission since the city incorporated, and Naffah, who has sat on the commission for two years, had both requested reappointment.

But the council instead chose Fisk, a Westminster city redevelopment coordinator, and Biggs, a county prosecutor.

Fisk was on the Planning Commission two terms ago. Biggs has never sat on a city commission.


The City Council also reappointed traffic commissioners Hal Bayer and Richard Lynn.
