
SIMI VALLEY : Pay Hike Sought for Police Dispatchers

The Simi Valley City Council tonight will consider increasing the pay for police dispatchers in an effort to retain employees who often quit because of stress and odd hours.

The Police Department has had to use police officers to cover the five dispatch positions that remain open. During the last five years, the department has hired 22 dispatchers, but 13 either resigned or were fired during probation periods.

Police officials hope that if the pay is increased by about 8%, the positions will stay filled. Pay for Simi Valley dispatchers ranges from $24,120 to $33,180 a year. The council will consider raising that range to between $25,410 and $35,935.


“It’s a real nerve-racking job to sit there and answer as many calls as they do,” Councilman Bill Davis said. “They have to make important, split-second decisions. The raise is what’s needed for the caliber of person required for that kind of work.”

While the department estimates that the pay raises will cost the city an additional $36,054, this increase will be offset by a savings in overtime pay. The city now pays about $56,100 in overtime to cover the open dispatchers’ shifts.
