
A summary of selected City Hall actions...

A summary of selected City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


* OFF-RAMP CLOSED--Approved a transportation committee plan to close the Waterford Street off-ramp of the southbound San Diego (405) Freeway. The ramp is located between Wilshire and Sunset boulevards. Residents of the neighborhood into which it runs have complained that its design has contributed to many accidents. Transportation officials said the closure would not significantly affect traffic flow on the freeway since during peak traffic periods, the ramp had an average of only 50 cars exiting per hour.

* STREET CLOSURE--Approved the closure of Sunset Boulevard between Argyle Avenue and El Centro Avenue, and Argyle between Sunset and Selma Avenue, on Feb. 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a celebration commemorating the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Japan’s Los Banos concentration camp in the Philippines. On Feb. 23, 1945, U.S. soldiers and Filipino guerrillas raided the camp, rescuing 2,147 civilians.


* GATED COMMUNITY--Approved a Public Works Committee report that will allow the neighborhood just west of the new Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities to become a gated community accessible only to residents. Residents made the request because they fear the museum will attract excessive traffic to their neighborhood. Streets to be gated are: Woodburn Drive from Sunset Boulevard to Layton Drive; Gunston Drive from Sunset to its northern end; Layton from Sunset to Gunston; Fordyce Road from Layton to its northern end; Downes Road from Halvern Drive to its northern end; and Layton Way from Layton Drive to Downes. Passed 10-3. Voting yes: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Ruth Galanter, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas. Voting no: Jackie Goldberg.
