
L.A. SPEAK : Cheat Chat

arms smuggler n . a gambler with cards up his sleeve.

boomer n . a person who creates a disturbance to distract attention from an accomplice. “Now while you boomers start a fight, I’ll grab the ante.”

bug n . a gadget attached to a card table for hiding good cards.

cap v . to increase your bet after a winning hand. “The dealer was busy ogling a blonde and didn’t see me cap that chip.”

drag v . to reclaim part of your bet after a losing hand.

knuckle mash n . a crease in a high card, made with a knuckle. “I knew the guy to my right was gonna bust ‘cause I saw my knuckle mash on the next card.”

needle ring n . jewelry with a small spike that leaves a Braille-like indentation on a card.

shiner n . a polished object set on the table to reflect other players’ cards. “I played that table straight. The dealer told me to put my lighter away; if she spotted my shiner, I knew she’d be wise to the rest of my tricks.”

silent partners n . two poker players who conspire to win; one signals a high hand, causing the other to bet wildly with losing cards to raise the stakes.

spotter n. a casino surveillance expert. “Don’t try anything if Shuldiner is on duty; that spotter’s got eyes in the back of his head.”
