
Police Say Man Raped Relative

A 41-year-old Burbank man was being held Saturday on charges he kidnaped and raped a woman whom police would describe only as “a family member.”

Authorities allege that Jose Mario Decampo knocked on his victim’s door at 8 p.m. Friday and struck her on the head with a club when she answered.

“The suspect then beat, bound and raped the victim,” said Burbank Police Sgt. Jon Murphy. Decampo then allegedly led the woman at knifepoint to his car and headed for Tijuana, Mexico, Murphy said.


But the woman’s injuries compelled Decampo to make a stop at a medical facility in Encinitas, Murphy said, where suspicious doctors called the San Diego Sheriff’s Department.

Decampo was arrested in San Diego. The victim was treated and released, Murphy said.

Decampo was transferred to the Burbank City Jail, where he was held on suspicion of kidnaping and sexual assault in lieu of $150,000 bail, Murphy said. His arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday in Burbank Municipal Court.
