
CRENSHAW : Man Pleads Guilty in School Shooting

A 19-year-old Los Angeles man has pleaded guilty to attempted murder charges stemming from a 1993 shooting at Dorsey High School in which a 15-year-old boy was critically wounded.

In exchange for his plea, Bryant Boyd is expected to be sentenced Feb. 16 to 14 years in state prison.

In an agreement worked out with the district attorney’s office, Boyd admitted shooting Glenn Browne Jr. in a crowded school hallway with no premeditation.


Prosecutors charged Boyd, a reputed gang member, with premeditated attempted murder, for which he could have received a life sentence if convicted. Earlier this week, Boyd also pleaded guilty to special allegations of using a firearm and of “promoting his street gang” by shooting Browne, said Deputy Dist. Atty. Bobby Grace.

On his first day at Dorsey, Browne was waiting in a student registration line when he saw Boyd and another man attack a rival gang member who was also an acquaintance of Browne. During the confrontation, Boyd drew a gun and shot Browne in the torso. The boy lost a kidney as a result.

Grace said Browne was not a gang member and made no attempt to intervene in the fight.

Police arrested Boyd the nextday. He will remain in the CountyJail without bail while awaitingsentencing.
