
BURBANK : Council to Honor 3 Science Teachers

As part of a program created last year to encourage kids to pursue careers in science, the Burbank City Council is scheduled tonight to honor three local teachers and three high school science projects.

The teachers--Jill Lloyd of Burroughs High School, Gabe Margve of Burbank High and Linda Pincu of Monterey Continuation High--were named outstanding science teachers in the city’s first Science Awards Program. One science class project at each high school will also be honored, city officials said.

Each honored teacher will receive an award plaque and a check for $1,250, while the teachers in charge of the winning class projects will receive a certificate and a $1,000 check.


The checks will be payable to the schools’ science department, but the teachers will determine how the funds are spent, city spokeswoman Cinda Cates said.

Lloyd has taught at Burroughs for two years and during that time has written a new science curriculum for the ninth and 10th grades. She also helped develop a “cluster program” for ninth-graders in which four teachers work with the students to provide intensive teaching in the core academic subjects.

In his 15 years at Burbank High, Margve has taught life science, biology, advance placement biology and served as faculty chairman, science department chairman, mentor teacher and baseball coach. He was named 1994 Burbank Kiwanis Club Outstanding Educator.


Pincu, who teaches physical science, earth science and biology, has been with the Burbank school district since 1984.

In Burroughs’ winning classroom project, taught by Lloyd and Bob Goar, students will research the history of water resources in Los Angeles.

At Burbank, Margve’s student will produce environmental videos focusing on conservation. The winning program at Monterey will have Pincu’s students studying the city of Burbank’s water supply system, organizers said.
