
OXNARD : Commission Formed to Foster Growth

The Oxnard City Council has decided to establish a community development commission that will assume the duties of the city’s Redevelopment Agency.

Council members on Tuesday voted 4 to 1 to establish the commission, which Oxnard officials say will make it easier for them to use redevelopment money in broader ways to attract new businesses and jump-start the city’s flagging economy.

Mayor Manuel Lopez was the only council member to vote against the plan, arguing that the City Council was consumed with other issues Tuesday and never even discussed the merits or flaws of a community development commission. The Oxnard City Council, which also serves as Redevelopment Agency, will serve as the community development commission. Although it will no longer have any duties, the Redevelopment Agency cannot be dissolved because of previous commitments, officials said.


The commission will meet the first three Tuesdays of each month at 1:30 p.m.
