
ALHAMBRA: City officials are negotiating with Adray’s,...

ALHAMBRA: City officials are negotiating with Adray’s, the Southland electronics store, to move into part of the old Sears site at Commonwealth and Fremont avenues. The city’s redevelopment agency owns the land.

MONTEREY PARK: The City Council has directed the city staff to negotiate a lease with the Chamber of Commerce for the use of the historic Jardin El Encanto--a 1920s, two-story, Spanish-style mansion in the 400 block of El Mercado Boulevard--which was restored at a cost of $160,000 by the city’s redevelopment agency.

PASADENA: Jack Smith, who had filed as a candidate for the District Six council seat, has withdrawn from the March City Council election, citing the demands of his business.


SAN MARINO: The city and San Marino Police Officers Assn. have reached agreement on a multiyear contract including a pay increase after six months of negotiation. The association has accepted a contract that will provide a 4% raise this fiscal year and another 4% each of the next two years.
