
LOS ALAMITOS : Bad Weather Prompts State of Emergency Extension

Because of the continuing threat of bad weather, the City Council has extended the state of local emergency declared following the Jan. 4 floods.

The council decision Tuesday enables the city to maintain its emergency preparedness and allows residents to seek state and federal assistance in case they suffer more damage from the anticipated heavy rains this week, officials said.

City Manager Robert C. Dunek said that the flood losses were about $250,000, half to private property and the remaining $125,000 to city property.


The city losses included overtime expenses for police, public works crews and other employees, Dunek said.

Floodwaters damaged the floor and carpeting at the Community Center and a police car sustained engine damage when it stalled during the height of the flood, he said in a report to the council.

City crews are checking storm drains and inlets and cleaning them of debris in anticipation of the rains, Dunek said.


Residents who need help in processing claims for flood damage from the Federal Emergency Management Agency may contact Robert St. Paul, the city’s neighborhood preservation officer, at (310) 431-3538, Ext. 301.

A FEMA investigator will inspect to determine the extent of the damage, St. Paul said. So far, he said about 20 residents have made inquiries about possible FEMA assistance.
