
GARDEN GROVE : Police Chief to Form Public Advisory Panel

Residents and business owners who want to see a closer partnership between the police and the community are needed to serve on an advisory panel Police Chief Stanley L. Knee is forming.

To be known as the Chief’s Forum, the panel will recommend programs and policies that the Police Department could adopt to enhance community policing, according to Capt. Dave Abrecht.

Abrecht said the panel will be made up of 17 members, including one representative from each of the city’s 10 patrol areas and one from the Garden Grove Unified School District.


A background in law enforcement is not necessary, Abrecht said, but members of the forum must be willing to take a 14-hour course on police procedures.

In addition, forum members must attend a four-hour meeting every three months, he said.

The forum will tackle issues such as gang and drug prevention, neighborhood improvement, and youth and recreation programs, Abrecht said. It will give residents and local business owners a greater understanding of the role of the police in community safety, he said.

Application forms are available at the Garden Grove Police Department. For more information, call Abrecht at (714) 5909 or Lt. Scott Hamilton at (714) 741-5872.
