
LOS ALAMITOS : Child-Rearing Seminar Planned at School

Linda Wilson, an education consultant, will speak on how parents can raise their children in today’s society at a parent education night Feb. 7 at the McGaugh Elementary School’s auditorium.

Wilson is the director of the Young Adventurer, a child-care center at McGaugh. She has lobbied state legislators on family and child-care issues.

The seminar, starting at 7:30 p.m., will provide parents with information on how their children can make good choices in their lives, said officials of the Los Alamitos PTA Council, which is organizing the event.


The seminar, titled “Raising Loving and Responsible Children in a Violent World,” is open to parents with children in the Los Alamitos Unified School District. Admission is free. McGaugh is at 1698 Bolsa Ave. in Seal Beach.
