
Clinton Keeps to His Usual Schedule in ’95

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

President Clinton apparently didn’t resolve to change his tardy ways in 1995. He showed up late New Year’s Day to a seminar entitled, “Life 101: What I’ll Do Differently in 1995.”

The panel discussion, which did not include a speech by Clinton, closed Renaissance Weekend, an annual family retreat for leaders in politics, business, science, law, sports, medicine and the arts.

The President and his family rang in the New Year holding hands with fellow renaissance men and women, singing “Auld Lang Syne” and “God Bless America.” Despite leaving the New Year’s Eve party at 2 a.m., Clinton was up and jogging in an exclusive subdivision at 6:45 a.m.


He was on the golf course an hour later, playing 18 holes in about four hours. That made the habitually late Clinton tardy for the 11:15 a.m. seminar.

The President gave a little speech at the New Year’s Eve party, saying he looked forward to a year full of bipartisanship.

Clinton, whose Democratic Party lost control of the House and Senate in the recent elections, spoke of how he loved representing the American people, especially at events like the Israel-Jordanian peace treaty signing and the 50th anniversary of D-day celebrations in Europe, said Guy Smith, a conference spokesman.


The Clintons returned to Washington on Sunday evening and planned to fly to Arkansas this morning. They will return to the White House on Wednesday.
