
OC HIGH: STUDENT NEWS AND VIEWS : A Costly Lesson That Will Be Felt in Schools

Being a student at Corona del Mar High School, I felt isolated from the effects of Orange County filing for bankruptcy because it never occurred to me that my education might be on the line.

But as days progressed, the outlook became worse.

Teachers and many other workers have not been guaranteed their paychecks after December.

I then learned about San Jose High School, which declared bankruptcy a couple of years ago. People from the state were sent in to try and figure out ways for the school to save money. The school closed for a month, and with it almost all of the teachers were furloughed and all the elective classes cut.

Right now I fear the worst for our school district, which invested $47 million (in the county fund). As it is, the school districts are underfunded and much of our new equipment is provided by fund-raisers.


I think the quality of my education should not be based on playing the stock market or silent auctions. My education is crucial to me and ultimately to the United States.

I resent that my education should be taken away from me because somebody had a bad day on Wall Street.


sophomore, Corona del Mar High
