
Taking Issue With Findings of Poll

I strongly disagree with your assertion that a “majority” of Orange County residents favor stricter gun control laws (Nov. 29). I don’t feel a survey of only 1,000 residents constitutes the true feelings of “an overwhelming majority” of county residents. Medical students from UCI, the source of the poll, have recently been demonstrating against firearms and in favor of gun control. I feel the poll’s accuracy could have been affected by the biases of those who created it.

I would also question the background knowledge and information the survey respondents had about the subject. In talking to non-firearm owners about gun control, I have found that they largely base their opinions on what information they receive from the media. Since the media are predominantly liberal and extremely anti-gun, most non-firearm owners have received only slanted, one-sided information. Nothing was said about the background of the survey respondents. For all we know they could have been UCI medical students or Times staff writers.

The media have a frightening ability to control what we see and how we see it. We should be very careful when they are trying to sway our opinions on such an important issue.



El Toro

* Please explain where this poll was taken that found 48% of the respondents in favor of gun control. Anyone who is serious about wanting to make an impact on crime would advocate less lenient judges, longer sentences and more police on the streets, not more restrictions on the people who are innocent of wrongdoing.

Tougher enforcement of existing laws, including those on immigration, will lead to a reduction in crime, not such a topical solution such as banning weapons that are used in few crimes compared to the number of violent crimes committed by repeat felons. Assault rifles are rarely used in the commission of a crime due to size and cost.

A much greater impact would be had against crime if the problems of gangs and drugs on the streets were addressed.



