
Voters and Campaign Rhetoric

Re “Voters Call for More Vision, Less Venom,” Oct. 24:

Enough is enough. As a young voter, I do not have the memories of past campaigns that were “clean and intelligent.” It is scary to think that all I know of campaigns is mudslinging and verbal abuse of opposing candidates. How did we ever get to this low point? Blame has been quick and sharp in the direction of the candidates themselves. This total divesting of blame on candidates is unfair. Campaign policies reflect what the voting public wants to see.

It is sad to see that voters respond to predatory campaign tactics. We seem to possess an insatiable need for sensationalism and gossip. The victim of this predatory tactic is the voter. With real issues being “hidden” under the mud and garbage, I find myself asking whether I am voting for the “best” candidate or the “best of the worst.”




Before the Tuesday elections, it seems prudent to take a reality check on the ballot initiatives.


Most proposals stem from inaction by queasy legislators at both state and national levels. They were elected to enact laws addressing problems cited in the citizen initiatives, but haven’t.

Amid all the sound and fury of proponents and opponents of the measures, especially where Props. 186, 187 and 188 are concerned, effecting objective change is the real challenge.

Unless election results dictate, the odds for any change are remote, and our elected legislators can continue to focus on getting reelected instead of doing their jobs.





Hey, voters, let’s bring back the American “can do” spirit. When you go to the polls, accentuate the “positives,” eliminate the “negatives.”


San Dimas


Your special section Decision ’94 (Oct. 30) was irresponsible reporting. Where were the full-page articles on Libertarian candidates? In your mind, these may not be “serious candidates.”

Did you ever consider that because The Times does not give third-party candidates equal time, the paper is being irresponsible to the electorate? Any candidate that goes through the hoops to get on the ballot deserves equal media time, regardless of the editor’s desire to decide on who is “worthy” of consideration for public service. Please, please, please give third-party candidates an equal voice.


To paraphrase Albert Einstein, you can’t solve a problem with the same mentality that created it. It’s time to start solving problems with a mentality other than the “Republocrat” mentality that originated them.


Long Beach


Due to an inordinate amount of unbalanced, unregulated and deceptive pre-election publicity, I suggest we immediately sequester all registered voters until such time as the election has been completed and verdicts have been rendered.


Monterey Park


Memo for Tuesday: Turn the rascals out and don’t let any more in.


San Pedro
