
NORTHRIDGE : Police to Hold Picnic for Needy Children

The Devonshire Division of the Los Angeles Police Department will sponsor an old-fashioned picnic for underprivileged youths from the west San Fernando Valley on Saturday at Castaic Lake.

Dubbed the Castaic Lake Adventure, the day will include everything from potato sack races and tug of war to canoeing and a giant barbecue.

More than 350 youths who participate in a host of community-based policing groups are expected to attend.


Officer Tonya Johnson said the Northridge-based division holds annual get-togethers for several youth groups, but this is the first time that it has brought them together at once. “This is the largest one we’ve done so far,” Johnson said.

Devonshire officers have invited youths from the West Valley Division as well, she said.

Picnickers will also honor Officer Rosa Kusiak and Sgt. Bill Flores, both of whom have changed jobs after several years of working with community-based programs, Johnson said. “It’s just our way of saying thank you to the people who started our youth programs.”

The event, which is not open to the public, will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
