
CALABASAS : Soka Tries to Ease Business With Japan

The Soka University of America Japanese Language Center will open its 1994-95 Pan Pacific Business Seminars program with a program on doing business in Japan.

The seminar will provide an overview on how to create a business overseas, emphasizing current United States-Japan trade policies, politics and protocol.

Christalyn Brannen, author of “Going to Japan on Business: A Quick Guide to Protocol, Travel and Language,” will lead the seminar along with Nate Hamaguchi, president of Tokyo Consulting International Inc.


Soka University of America is hosting the seminars in cooperation with the California Central Coast World Trade Center Assn. and the Japan America Society of Southern California.

The seminar will take place Nov. 11 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Soka University’s Calabasas campus, 26800 W. Mulholland Highway. The fee is $15 and includes a box lunch. The registration deadline is Nov. 9. For more information, call (818) 880-4353.
