
VENTURA : Council Takes Stand Against Prop. 187

Declaring one of California’s most contested ballot initiatives “not a nice thing to do,” Ventura City Council members have passed a resolution opposing Proposition 187, a ballot measure aimed at stemming the tide of illegal immigration.

“It’s not nice to do to people,” said Councilman Gary Tuttle, who asked that the issue be brought before the council. “It’s mean. It’s cruel.”

Tuttle joined Councilmen Gregory L. Carson, Steve Bennett and Mayor Tom Buford in voting for the resolution Monday. Tuttle said the initiative is inhumane because it would deny essential services such as some health care and education to illegal immigrants.


Council members Jim Monahan and Rosa Lee Measures opposed the resolution because, they said, they did not think the council should take positions on a state issue.

However, Monahan also spoke at length about how people should expend their energies supporting legal immigration. He then taunted Carson after Carson declared his support for the anti-187 resolution.

“So you are saying you support illegal immigration?” he asked. “Is that what you are saying?”


“I had no response. I didn’t think it was worth responding to,” Carson said later. “Comments like that, they sort of speak for themselves.”

Councilman Jack Tingstrom was out of town.
