
Leigh Takes Over D.A.’s Victim Services

A woman with several years experience working with crime victims has been named the new director of victim services for the district attorney’s office.

Jamie Leigh assumed her duties Monday, filling a position that has been vacant since November. The Ventura County Board of Supervisors will be asked today to approve a salary of $42,000 for the position, Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Kevin J. McGee said.

For the past six years, Leigh has been executive director of the Ventura County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. Prior to that, she was crisis outreach coordinator at Interface Children, family services and the director of Santa Barbara’s shelters for battered women.


Victim services is responsible for helping crime victims seek state reimbursement for their injuries and find appropriate counseling. The unit also provides support for crime victims as their cases make their way through the court system.
