
Countywide : ‘GayRadio’ Variety Program to Return

After a one-year hiatus, Irvine Valley College student Chris Vollentine is bringing his “GayRadio” program back to the airwaves.

The variety show will be broadcast from midnight to 1 a.m. Wednesday mornings on KWIZ-FM 96.7 starting this week.

The Tustin resident, who calls himself Chris Creem on the radio, said his program will alternate between serious and entertaining topics that are designed to appeal to gays and lesbians of all ages.


Included will be news, humor, interviews with gay activists and selections of the latest club music.

“I think the program is really important; that’s why I’m compelled to start it again,” said Vollentine, who hopes to “break down the closet door” by encouraging gays and lesbians to be comfortable publicly with their sexual orientation.

“It will be pretty up front and in your face and in your house,” Vollentine said.

Last year, Vollentine produced his “GayRadio” show in a two-hour Saturday night slot on KWIZ, a Pasadena station that broadcasts to Los Angeles and Orange counties.


He eventually shelved the program due to a lack of commercial sponsors.

By cutting the show in half and spending more time on promotion, Vollentine hopes to make this new version of “GayRadio” a success.

“Also, this time I won’t quit my day job,” he added.
