
Brewer Deserves Enthusiastic Support : 70th Assembly District Needs Representation Based on Willingness to Work With Others

Marilyn C. Brewer’s primary victory in the 70th Assembly District earlier this year made it a strong likelihood that she would go on to win the general election in November. This is one of the most Republican districts in California, and the question of succession for outgoing incumbent Gil Ferguson was largely about what kind of Republican would take the seat after him, not whether the district would send a Republican or Democrat to Sacramento.

The victory of Brewer in June has rankled some of the more conservative members of her party, and opponents in the GOP already are poised to watch her every move in the Legislature in anticipation of a future campaign. But the standard of who can be the most conservative Republican is not the standard by which to judge the fitness and the performance of the area’s representative. Voters should keep that in mind and enthusiastically give their support to Brewer when they go to the polls.

In fact, the people of the 70th District are not, as a group, politically extreme. Moreover, they and Orange County need representation that is based on a willingness to work with others in Sacramento and not simply behave in the manner of the “cavemen” who were opposed to almost everything and accomplished very little.


Brewer can provide the district with pragmatic and energetic representation. She will provide a refreshing change for her constituents. As an aide to Supervisor Thomas F. Riley in Orange County, she earned a reputation for hard work, reliability and fairness. At a time when taxpayers are especially concerned about government spending, she brings a record of concern for reducing waste. She has been Riley’s criminal justice adviser, working with law enforcement agencies and on the first anti-gang effort in South County. She brings her extensive business experience as founder and co-owner of a manufacturing company to the task of reducing the burden on business. Those are all very good credentials.

Brewer, mindful of the carping of some detractors, has said, “I am not going to spend my time looking over my shoulder.” We like her spirit and her outlook. And for voters in the 70th District, she offers the promise of real leadership in Sacramento during the next two years.
